Thursday 14 June 2018

Surya Namaskar Benefits - 15 Incredible Benefits of Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar Benefits:

These days Surya Namaskar has been performed all over the world due to its physical, mental and spiritual benefits, there have been continuous studies on different benefits of Surya Namaskar and it will be too difficult to list each and every effect of this amazing yoga practice but we will be discussing all major 15 benefits of Surya Namaskar. Let’s start:

Increases Height

Surya Namaskar has proven to be an effective solution for the height growth problem. Young kids can surely add up few inches to their height by constantly practicing Surya Namaskar.
Surya Namaskar helps in addressing some key reasons for height growth; performing Surya Namaskar stretches spine and legs which leads to lengthening of height. Additionally, it helps the practitioner with better posture, which makes him look stronger and taller.

Regulates Menstrual Cycle For Women

A Study conducted by Indian researchers had found the positive effect of performing pranayama and Surya Namaskar. A group of female volunteers was made to practice pranayama and surya namaskar regularly which resulted in regulation of their menstrual cycle.

Glowing Skin

Surya namaskar promotes better flow of blood all over the body, which makes your skin cells supplied with more oxygen and nutrients.

Surya Namaskar also vitalizes your body and make you feel energetic, which helps in getting extra glow in the skin.

Stronger Joints

Surya Namaskar is a multi-joint exercise which works from your head to toe. It involves almost all the joints of body and Surya namaskar’s different poses helps to get your joints lubricated and properly stretches.
Due to better blood flow in the body, body joints get the essential nutrition and vitamin supplies.

Shreds Fat

Logic is pretty simple; the more muscles get involved in your exercise the more calories you burn. Practicing Surya Namaskar can be a great cardiovascular exercise with the benefits of muscle development as well.

Healthy Hair

We have discussed in the above point that Surya Namaskar helps in better blood flow in all over the body; the mountain pose helps blood to flow towards the scalp, which helps in healthier and stronger hairs. It leads to lower hair fall as well.

Relieves Anxiety

As with any other yoga practice, Surya Namaskar is a great stress buster. Practicing Surya Namaskar regularly can improve the quality of life.
A study conducted by Australian researchers included 131 volunteers with moderate stress performed 10 weeks of regular yoga practice. Study results proved there is a significant reduction in stress levels of volunteers and it improved their quality of life.


Surya Namaskar helps in detoxifying your body through many levels, it helps to eliminate toxin through sweating, Surya Namaskar aid in healthy digestion process which ultimately excretes all the harmful substances from the body.
Surya Namaskar helps in maintaining healthy heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys which results in better excretion of all the body waste and harmful chemicals.

Cure Insomnia

Insomnia is a common lifestyle disease, due to a stressful life and unhealthy lifestyle more people in the world are affected by insomnia. Surya Namaskar can be an effective way to cure insomnia trough reducing stress level and living a healthier lifestyle.

Better Digestion

Practicing Surya Namaskar benefits in releasing the trapped gases within the stomach, it’s different yoga posture massages your internal organs which leads to their better functioning and better digestion.
Surya namaskar affects all the major parts of the digestive system like pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestine, and liver. This is done because of the constant stretching and contraction of internal organs. So start performing Surya Namaskar from today to get a stronger digestive system.

Makes You Flexible

12 different poses of Surya Namaskar benefit your body to get the optimum flexibility. Yoga has been known for its ability to improve the flexibility of the body.
Mountain pose– helps in stretching spine, glutes, hamstring, and calves
Cobra pose– helps in stretching neck, spine and abdominal. It also helps in an opening chest.
Equestrian pose– helps in an opening chest, stretching Quads, glutes, and spine.
Hand to foot pose– helps in stretching the whole body.
Raised arms pose– helps in opening chest and shoulders, stretches neck, spine, core, abdominals, and glutes.

Better Blood Flow

Surya namaskar benefits through improved full body stretching and contraction. You are helping your body with better blood flow. Poses like cobra pose and mountain pose helps in getting the blood flow throughout the body.
Improved blood flow will make you feel more energetic and will activate all the muscles and organs for proper functioning.

Mental Health

One of the biggest and serious lifestyle disease most of the people are experiencing is stress. Daily stress is raising continuously and there needs to be some solution to it.
Stress results in anxiety, low testosterone, nervousness, and insomnia. So basically you are slowly killing yourself due to most common lifestyle disease.
Deep breathing while Surya namaskar benefits in reducing the daily stress and helps you feel revitalized.

 Over All Body Development

With every different pose of Surya namaskar, you are preparing your body for overall body development. Surya namaskar benefits you with these body developments:
Stronger lungs for better endurance.
Stronger muscle for better strength
Lower stress for happy life
Stronger digestive system for health excretion of toxins
Better posture for more confidence
Stronger and flexible joints

Improved Sexual Health

What does it need to have good sexual health?
Good blood flow
Healthy organs
Lower fat deposition
Low stress
High testosterone level
Surya Namaskar provides the entire ingredient to have a better sexual health.

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