Thursday 14 June 2018

Surya Namaskar Benefits - 15 Incredible Benefits of Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar Benefits:

These days Surya Namaskar has been performed all over the world due to its physical, mental and spiritual benefits, there have been continuous studies on different benefits of Surya Namaskar and it will be too difficult to list each and every effect of this amazing yoga practice but we will be discussing all major 15 benefits of Surya Namaskar. Let’s start:

Increases Height

Surya Namaskar has proven to be an effective solution for the height growth problem. Young kids can surely add up few inches to their height by constantly practicing Surya Namaskar.
Surya Namaskar helps in addressing some key reasons for height growth; performing Surya Namaskar stretches spine and legs which leads to lengthening of height. Additionally, it helps the practitioner with better posture, which makes him look stronger and taller.

Regulates Menstrual Cycle For Women

A Study conducted by Indian researchers had found the positive effect of performing pranayama and Surya Namaskar. A group of female volunteers was made to practice pranayama and surya namaskar regularly which resulted in regulation of their menstrual cycle.

Glowing Skin

Surya namaskar promotes better flow of blood all over the body, which makes your skin cells supplied with more oxygen and nutrients.

Surya Namaskar also vitalizes your body and make you feel energetic, which helps in getting extra glow in the skin.

Stronger Joints

Surya Namaskar is a multi-joint exercise which works from your head to toe. It involves almost all the joints of body and Surya namaskar’s different poses helps to get your joints lubricated and properly stretches.
Due to better blood flow in the body, body joints get the essential nutrition and vitamin supplies.

Shreds Fat

Logic is pretty simple; the more muscles get involved in your exercise the more calories you burn. Practicing Surya Namaskar can be a great cardiovascular exercise with the benefits of muscle development as well.

Healthy Hair

We have discussed in the above point that Surya Namaskar helps in better blood flow in all over the body; the mountain pose helps blood to flow towards the scalp, which helps in healthier and stronger hairs. It leads to lower hair fall as well.

Relieves Anxiety

As with any other yoga practice, Surya Namaskar is a great stress buster. Practicing Surya Namaskar regularly can improve the quality of life.
A study conducted by Australian researchers included 131 volunteers with moderate stress performed 10 weeks of regular yoga practice. Study results proved there is a significant reduction in stress levels of volunteers and it improved their quality of life.


Surya Namaskar helps in detoxifying your body through many levels, it helps to eliminate toxin through sweating, Surya Namaskar aid in healthy digestion process which ultimately excretes all the harmful substances from the body.
Surya Namaskar helps in maintaining healthy heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys which results in better excretion of all the body waste and harmful chemicals.

Cure Insomnia

Insomnia is a common lifestyle disease, due to a stressful life and unhealthy lifestyle more people in the world are affected by insomnia. Surya Namaskar can be an effective way to cure insomnia trough reducing stress level and living a healthier lifestyle.

Better Digestion

Practicing Surya Namaskar benefits in releasing the trapped gases within the stomach, it’s different yoga posture massages your internal organs which leads to their better functioning and better digestion.
Surya namaskar affects all the major parts of the digestive system like pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestine, and liver. This is done because of the constant stretching and contraction of internal organs. So start performing Surya Namaskar from today to get a stronger digestive system.

Makes You Flexible

12 different poses of Surya Namaskar benefit your body to get the optimum flexibility. Yoga has been known for its ability to improve the flexibility of the body.
Mountain pose– helps in stretching spine, glutes, hamstring, and calves
Cobra pose– helps in stretching neck, spine and abdominal. It also helps in an opening chest.
Equestrian pose– helps in an opening chest, stretching Quads, glutes, and spine.
Hand to foot pose– helps in stretching the whole body.
Raised arms pose– helps in opening chest and shoulders, stretches neck, spine, core, abdominals, and glutes.

Better Blood Flow

Surya namaskar benefits through improved full body stretching and contraction. You are helping your body with better blood flow. Poses like cobra pose and mountain pose helps in getting the blood flow throughout the body.
Improved blood flow will make you feel more energetic and will activate all the muscles and organs for proper functioning.

Mental Health

One of the biggest and serious lifestyle disease most of the people are experiencing is stress. Daily stress is raising continuously and there needs to be some solution to it.
Stress results in anxiety, low testosterone, nervousness, and insomnia. So basically you are slowly killing yourself due to most common lifestyle disease.
Deep breathing while Surya namaskar benefits in reducing the daily stress and helps you feel revitalized.

 Over All Body Development

With every different pose of Surya namaskar, you are preparing your body for overall body development. Surya namaskar benefits you with these body developments:
Stronger lungs for better endurance.
Stronger muscle for better strength
Lower stress for happy life
Stronger digestive system for health excretion of toxins
Better posture for more confidence
Stronger and flexible joints

Improved Sexual Health

What does it need to have good sexual health?
Good blood flow
Healthy organs
Lower fat deposition
Low stress
High testosterone level
Surya Namaskar provides the entire ingredient to have a better sexual health.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Yoga is a journey to self, through the self, to the self. – The Bhagavad Gita

Surya Namaskar can be defined as the single solution to multiple diseases; this yoga is derived from two words: ‘surya’ which means sun, ‘namaskar’ means salutation or worship. So Surya Namaskar means worship of the sun.
Surya Namaskar has been practiced in Indian culture since ages and had a multiple health, mental and spiritual benefits.
Surya namaskar comprises of 12 yogic posed in a cyclic way. These cyclic movements of Surya Namaskar with controlled breathing, backbends, forward bends, invigorating and calming poses help us achieve many different benefits through single yogic exercise.
We will be discussing everything about Surya Namaskar through this article.

Major yogic poses in Surya Namaskar

Pranamasana: Prayer Pose
Effects: Prayer pose is a very common pose in India performed by people as a form of greeting. It’s performed at the beginning and end of Surya Namaskar. Prayer pose creates the sense of relaxation and concentration which is very important to begin Surya Namaskar.


Hasta Uttanasana: Raised Hands Pose
Effects: helps you relax your neck and back muscle, stretches abdominal area. Abdominal stretch helps in good organ massage. Spine stretch helps in curing various back problems.

Pada hastasana: Standing Forward Fold
Effects: Pada Hastasana works for full back stretch; it stretches spine, glutes, hamstring, and calves. This pose is very effective in lengthening the spine.

Ashwa sanchalanasana:  Equestrian Pose
Effects: builds lower body strength, strengthens the spine, opens the chest and stretches Quadriceps and Gluts.
Parvatasana: mountain pose

Effects: this pose improves the blood circulation around the body, stretches the full body. Helps you get the better blood flow in towards brain.

Ashtanga Namaskara: Eight-Limbed salutation

Effects: strengthens chest, shoulders, and back.

When to Perform

You can perform Surya Namaskar at any time of the day, however, sunrise time is considered to be the best time of the day to perform this yoga activity, it’s also advised to perform Surya Namaskar in open.
Performing Surya namaskar while sunrise can revitalize your body and soul, make you stay active and energetic throughout the day.
Additionally, performing Surya Namaskar under direct sunlight can provide your body with sufficient vitamin D, which will help your body with its daily dosage of this essential vitamin.

The pace of Practicing Surya Namaskar

You can practice Surya Namaskar at a different pace and you will get benefitted accordingly.
Slow pace– If you are looking to improve your body flexibility or improve your height then you should practice Surya Namaskar at a slow pace, try to practice with holding every movement for 4-5 seconds.
Medium pace– If you are looking to build muscle tissues then you should go for medium pace, that means you will hold every position for 2 seconds.
Fast pace– If your motive is to get the cardiovascular benefits from Surya Namaskar, then you should practice it with a fast pace, you don’t need to hood or stretch for any position. You can perform as many numbers of reps as you want.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

How To Make Your Diet Food Interesting

To eat food which is bland but healthy for you can definitely be pretty boring. This is what makes a lot of people give up on the day 1 or the 30th day. The basic problem is the same as any other; we are not used to eating such bland and healthy food Only goes to GYM for Ab Workout. For people who have taste buds which make them feel like firecrackers in the mouth, eating bland food is like torture to ourselves. Which is why we have tips and tricks for you to make your diet food interesting.

To have and follow a very healthy diet is definitely a task. Only people who are used to following a particular diet for the longest of time can stick to it. But if you are one who has just started off with diet food and is willing to experiment, we have a lot of ways as to how can you make your food more interesting. Now, remember, this will only change the way your food will taste to around 40%. You will have to stick to eating the veggies that you are supposed to or the fish and meat you are supposed to eat. And remember to not to overdo it. The purpose to bring these changes to your food is still eaten healthy food but just in a different style. So here we go:

1)      Go for stir fry technique:- Stir fry is a cooking technique as we know which has originated from Chinese cuisine and it has pretty much taken over the Asian and the global world. For those who are a fan of Chinese or Asian food, you are surely going to be really excited. When you try to make your diet or healthy food with stir fry technique, you can try adding veggies or meat/fish of your choice and fry it the very small amount of hot oil, basically something like a walk. This is a very popular technique which people have adapted very well.

2)      Experiment with sauces:-  If you are not a stir fry person and do not wish to add any sort of oil or any amount of oil to your food, you can prefer making different types of sauces and adding them to your diet food. Now make sure that you do not add a lot of fats like oil, butter or any sort of fatty ingredients to it. you can go for various types of sauces like salsa sauces, soy sauce, hot sauce, burnt garlic sauce, red sauce, mustard sauce. There are so many sauces which you can experiment with. These sauces need to be made carefully though without adding food that can ruin your diet.

3)      Herbs:-  You can try adding various types of herbs to your food. When used in a limit and cautious way, herbs can help you bring some taste to your food. And anyway, when excess herbs are adding to your food, you will realize that you automatically rejecting the taste of it. hence whenever you add herbs, you need to make sure that it is really limited and almost as the pinch size (if you are making food for one). Now we know that adding oregano to your pasta sure as hell makes a very huge difference. That is exactly what something we are asking you to do. You can try adding pepper, sea salt, garlic powder, garlic salt, basil, cilantro, oregano, Montreal steak, chicken spice and etc. Adding spices and herbs for taste can really make a big difference and in fact, you will feel like eating your food and be only more encouraged to eat your diet food. However, make sure that your salt content is really limited and not overpowering the food.

4)      Marinade:- Marinating your food can also bring some real time change to your food. If you are a meat person, it can surely make your food taste better and also keep the protein in its place and it is much tastier as well. to marinate and keep your food for a minimum of 25 hours can bring some drastic change to your food and gives some very different texture and taste to it. When you are marinating make sure you are using an olive oil rather than any other oil and also try and add more of spices and herbs which can make sure food tastier and stay away from sauces which have a sugar base to it. You can experiment with adding mustard or soya sauce or some hot sauce to it.

5)      Natural sweetening:- Instead of adding direct sugar ingredients to it or any sugar base ingredients to your food, go for some more natural food items. Try adding coconut to your food, or go for fruits like apples, berried, bananas and other such. You can also go for some natural honey or maple syrup. You can even try dry fruits like dates, raisins, and figs. You can try to pair up these food items with oatmeal (so to your breakfast), yogurt, black coffee, normal snacks, salads, dried fruits just go handy otherwise. So, in short, you have to try and avoid as much direct or indirect intake of sugar as possible. All that you have to keep in mind is to be really careful with how much sweet intake do you have in your diet as well.

6)      Protein powder:- Now you might be thinking that protein powders were only meant to for drinking but we have some other experiments for you. In our last article we mentioned about experimenting with desserts and this is how you can do it. when you start making your dessert, instead of adding direct chocolate or sugar-based products, you can replace that with protein powders which can not only give your food a different texture but also make it healthy and taste different at the same time. Protein powder is as it is a great addition to snacks and meals but it can enhance your nutrition value to your diet chart and make your boring food interesting. You can also add protein powder to your Greek yogurt or plain yogurt or unflavored yogurt. Or you can add them to your pudding, or make a protein cake with protein powder as the base. And we also have our normal protein powder smoothies.

7)      Lemon or tomato:-  When you give your food a lemon base or tomato base, you give it the sour or tangy taste. This can not only be great for your diet but also make you want to experiment more with food as well as give a completely different taste to food. With tomato you can make the puree as the base and then add various veggies and herbs to it to make it even more interesting. However, adding lemon as an add on, not a base because we do not want people die with that sour taste, it will give a very different and interesting taste to it. try experimenting with this as much possible so that you can bring variations to food.

Friday 1 September 2017

Top Home Exercises To Make You Cut

Everyone has a damn busy schedule these days in order to put food on the table for the family but while doing there most of them forget to have a healthy lifestyle. Not everybody gets time to go to the gym or for any other games to play. Today we are listing you few workouts that you will be able to do from your home and stay in touch.

Exercises for chest, shoulders, and triceps-

The best home workout you can do to shape up your chest, shoulders, and triceps if to start doing Pushups with the different variations. All the variations will affect your body parts differently like you can try for – diamond push up, wide grip push-ups, inclined push-ups, declined push-ups and Indian style pushups

Exercises for Back, Neck, and Arms -

Different variations of the pull-ups will work out very good in order to have the best product you can try chin-ups for the larger arms. If you are unable to do even one pull-up then don’t worry about it just try to do at-least one by having some kind of support. Initially, you will be having difficulty with this then ultimately you will cope up with this problem

Never skip bottom -

Since your bottom is the base of your body and whole power comes from the lower body. We should never neglect the fact that people who have stronger base are able to lift more weight. Always perform Squats, lunges, walking lunges to make it stronger.

Core exercises -

Core exercises include all the moves that concentrate on your core part of the body.  You can probably opt for many yoga asanas to get your core strong and fit. Some of the exercises you could try are – Straight plank, Side plank, Leg raise, cycling while lying your back down on the mattress.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Transformation Of Your Flabby Body To Beach Body

Each everyone wants to transform our body from flabby to fabulous but
the main difficulty comes when you don’t know what should be undertaken in order to get your transformation. Here we are discussing some of the basic but the biggest rules to transform our body.

1. Put a ban on Booze

The primary thing that is going to hinder you from achieving your great physique if your drinking habits. Drinking affects the body in many different ways- It gives your body unwanted calories, it slowdowns the metabolism, it makes your body dehydrated and will surely trouble you for next day workout. So if you seriously thinking about transforming your body then cutting the liquor should be the most primary step.

Another habit that you need to take care is your daily gym routine. In the early phase, it will be bit difficult and painful to have daily workout but believe us you will get used to of this.
Hire personal trainer
One of the biggest mistakes we all do is to consider a personal trainer just a waste of money or considering yourself a trainer. You need to understand that personal trainer is certified and trained to guide you, he knows the correct motion.

3. Keep track on your diet 

Joining gym doesn’t mean now you are going to transform your body soon. In order to get the required body transformation keeping track on your food intake is the most. It's absolute rubbish if you think now you are free to eat anything just because you are going to gym.

In order to get the best body transformation is absolutely required to kick off your metabolism as soon as you wake up in the morning. Fastening metabolism will help your body to burn more calories and will make you active whole day long.